Medway Safety Training Courses

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CIEH Level 2 Award in Environmental Principles and Best Practice
This qualification provides an awareness of key environmental concepts and an introduction to environmental management systems.


Environmental issues impact on every organisation. The rising costs of energy and raw materials, growing awareness of stakeholders and increasing environmental legislation are forcing organisations to address their own environmental performance.

Many organisations have identified that tackling environmental issues can bring benefits to their business including reduced waste and utility costs, reduced liabilities and access to new markets and investors.

This qualification has been designed for all members of staff whose activities could have a significant impact on the environment, or supervisors or managers who are being introduced to environmental issues for the first time.

Outline Programme

The qualification covers the following topics:
estimated annual cost to society through accidents and ill health is £11 to £16 billion Environmental impacts and sustainability
25 million working days are lost annually Understanding environmental aspects
25000 people are forced to give up work through injury Principles of environmental law
Uninsured losses amount to £315 per employee Energy use and carbon management
Uninsured losses amount to £315 per employee Resource efficiency and waste minimisation
Uninsured losses amount to £315 per employee Water management
Uninsured losses amount to £315 per employee Pollution prevention and emergency planning
Uninsured losses amount to £315 per employee Environmental management systems
Qualification Information

Duration: One-day programme (6 hours)

Assessment: 30 MCQ exam paper

Ofqual Accredited: Yes

Prerequisite: None


Upon successful completion of the course assessment, the candidate will receive a certificate from the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health