Medway Safety Training Courses

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Basic Ladder Safety Training Course

This course of training is intended for supervisors and operatives who are expected to inspect, use and manage the safe use of ladders during the course of their work. The proposed *Working at Height* Regulations ensures that this course is topical.

Course Aims

To train supervisors and operatives in the skills and knowledge needed to safely use ladders in the workplace.


At the end of the course each delegate will have sufficient knowledge and the necessary skills to use ladders safely, including:-
estimated annual cost to society through accidents and ill health is £11 to £16 billion 1. the legal duties placed upon employers/employees
25 million working days are lost annually 2. the importance of safe working procedures, making reference to the ladder accident statistics
25000 people are forced to give up work through injury 3. the selection of the right access equipment for the task
Uninsured losses amount to £315 per employee 4. the ability to inspect, prior to use, and identify common defects, plus reporting procedures
accidents account for 37% of profits 5. safe use of ladders and the benefits of levelling/stabilising devices.


A maximum of 12 trainees to one instructor to be permitted on the course.

Course Duration

3 hours (approximately).
Certification Delegates will be expected to achieve 70% on a simple assessment conducted at the end of the course. Those successfully completing the course will receive a certificate.

Clients Premises

To be Confirmed

Please phone for more details.