Medway Safety Training Courses

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Moving & Handling

Course Aim

To provide participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to be able to carry out their jobs in a safe and effective manner whilst complying with current legislation

Objectives of the course:

At the end of the course participants will have: -

Knowledge of safer moving and handling techniques including the use of hoists and handling aids.

Knowledge of safer moving and handling techniques including the use of hoists and handling aids.

Knowledge of the current legal requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 Knowledge of the current legal requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992
The skills to identify risks related to moving and handling people. The skills to identify risks related to moving and handling people.
An understanding of the ergonomic principles of safer moving and handling. An understanding of the ergonomic principles of safer moving and handling.

Course content:

This course will provide the attendee with an understanding of;

Health and Safety legislation related to moving and handling. Health and Safety legislation related to moving and handling.
Biomechanics of the spine and the causes of back injury and back pain. Biomechanics of the spine and the causes of back injury and back pain.
Good back care and the principles of safer moving and handling. Good back care and the principles of safer moving and handling.
Practical techniques for the moving and handling of people. Practical techniques for the moving and handling of people.
Risk Assessment – what it is. Risk Assessment – what it is.
Manual Handling risk assessment – what it is. Manual Handling risk assessment – what it is.
How to identify manual handling hazards and the risk from those hazards. How to identify manual handling hazards and the risk from those hazards.
How to identify control methods. How to identify control methods.
Practical work to include case studies and the design of risk assessment documentation Practical work to include case studies and the design of risk assessment documentation

Target Audience

All staff in the care sector.

Course Duration

1 day (6 hours)


In-Company or Local Venue


Please telephone for details of future dates and venues


Attendees will be issued with a certificate of attendance.