Medway Safety Training Courses

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Procedures Manuals

Employers are legally responsible for providing appropriate health and safety information to employees. Staff also need to know what their responsibilities are, it is therefore essential that the information needs to be given in a form that is relevant and easy to absorb.

The drafting and communication of clear and concise procedures is widely accepted as beneficial in:
estimated annual cost to society through accidents and ill health is £11 to £16 billion supporting employers in promoting their health and safety policies and adhering to legislation
Uninsured losses amount to £315 per employee acting as a basis for on-going training
accidents account for 37% of profits promoting interest and awareness in health and safety issues in the workplace
accidents account for 37% of profits encouraging understanding and the adoption of good working practices.

Our consultants have extensive experience in the development of manuals and procedures in a wide range of industry sectors; they can produce the following company specific documentation in consultation with the client;

Employee safety manual
These can be designed as a handbook produced for staff to receive and retain as part of the induction process, alternatively they can be in-depth task specific safety instructions.

Fire Procedures & Responsibilities
Fire can have a devastating effect on a company*s operational ability, the drafting and implementation of suitable procedures can not only reduce the potential but also limit any losses in the event of a fire occurring.

Accident Reporting
There is a legal requirement for the reporting and recording of accidents in the workplace, and there may soon be a legal requirement for accidents to be investigated, although good practice indicates this is a fundamental requirement to prevent recurrence and reduce losses. A well-defined and communicated accident reporting procedure is an essential part of the *safety management system*.

Emergency Planning
Should the worst happen, would your business survive?
The drafting and implementation of an effective *disaster recovery* plan could be the difference between business continuation and closure.

Please telephone for an informal discussion concerning your requirements.