The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
places a responsibility on employers to take a systematic
approach to protecting the health and safety of employees
or others by assessing the risks involved.
A formal assessment of how people could be harmed during
the execution of the task enables consideration of the adequacy
of the safety precautions included and the adoption of any
additional measures considered necessary.
Companies employing more than five people must formally record
this assessment.
Our assessors in conjunction with your Management team and
employees would undertake an analysis of the significant
risks associated with your business and produce the required
risk assessments with any additional recommendations proposed
to further reduce the risk.
The requirement for the conducting of risk assessments in
the workplace has been around for ten years; therefore visiting
inspectors from the Local Authority or Health & Safety
Executive are unlikely to except ignorance as a valid reason
for failing to implement a risk assessment programme.
As far back as the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974,
reference has been made to the operation of a 'safe system
of work'. A method statement is one way in which an employer
can demonstrate that they are in fact complying with this
In simple terms a 'Method Statemen' is a written set of
instructions detailing how a particular task is to be done,
by whom and with what equipment. It should be a specific
document that considers the implications for the person carrying
out the task and those that may be affected by the operation
during or after its completion.
Our team of consultants have drafted many such documents
covering various activities in a number of different industry
sectors. However it should be remembered that you are the
'expert' in your particular field and without your knowledge
and assistance the method statement may not be adequate.
Once the method statement and risk assessment have been prepared
these must be communicated effectively to those parties affected.
It should then be retained and reviewed at regular intervals
or if believed to be invalid.
The production of the documentation is a team effort between
Medway Safety Ltd and yourselves, a partnership that we wish
to develop to its full potential.
Please telephone for an
informal discussion concerning your requirements. |